Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Treasure's of this world..

Mathew 16:19 KJV
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal

The way people worry about the treasures of this world, you would swear that they don’t know that we brought nothing into this world and so we can take nothing out of it. The love of these things creates obsession to an extent that some people end up worshipping them as gods. When I speak of "worshipping them" I mean that nothing else matters to people accept for these treasures and they only live to buy and own them. Yes we do use them as they were created to serve their specific purposes but they were not created for people to worship them.

There is no treasure that can match up to having Jesus in your life. He paid a high price for you and I and he took away our sins. What’s interesting is that when Jesus is in your life whatever happens to you, you have a comforter that never sleeps day or night. We cannot run away from thieves as they are also workers of the devil but what we should learn is to let go because when we lose our possessions God gives us better ones. There are greater treasures in heaven than the treasures of this world so let us lay up for us treasures in heaven. (Hebrews 10: 34)

S. Mlilo

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